Somatic Activities to Support Feeling
Barefoot Walking on Different Textures

How To Do It:
Find a space where you can walk barefoot on different surfaces, such as grass, gravel, sand, or a textured mat. Slowly walk across each surface, paying close attention to how each one feels under your feet. Notice the difference in pressure, texture, and temperature as you move from one surface to another.
Why It Works:
Walking barefoot on varied textures stimulates the nerve endings in your feet, helping to reawaken your sense of touch and bring you out of a numb state by grounding you in the physical sensations of the present moment.
Guided Practice:
Find a space where you can walk barefoot on different textures, like grass, sand, or stones. Stand still and close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths. Notice any sensations in your feet—perhaps a tickling or a pressure.
Allow yourself to become aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Notice the different sensations under each foot—perhaps the coolness of the ground or the warmth of a sunlit patch.
Start to walk slowly, paying close attention to each step. Feel the texture of the surface underfoot—the softness of grass, the hardness of stones, or the grainy feel of sand. Notice the way your feet adapt to each new surface, the subtle shifts in your balance, and the sensation of your toes spreading or curling. Allow yourself to fully experience each texture, staying present with the sensations in your feet.
As you continue walking, bring your awareness to your breath and how it coordinates with your steps. Feel the rhythm of your breath syncing with your movements, perhaps sensing a deeper connection with the earth beneath you. Stay curious about each new texture and how your body responds, letting your walk become a meditation on sensation and presence.
When you feel ready, come to a gentle stop, standing still on your chosen surface. Take a moment to notice the sensations in your feet and body. Feel the grounding energy of the earth beneath you, providing stability and support. When you are ready, take a deep breath, and gently bring your focus back to your surroundings.
Vibration Sensory Reconnection

How To Do It:
Use a handheld massager or a vibrating device and place it on different parts of your body—starting with your hands, moving to your arms, legs, and torso. Focus on the sensation of the vibrations and how they feel against your skin. Let the vibrations penetrate deep into your muscles, reawakening your body’s awareness.
Why It Works:
Vibration can stimulate nerve endings and increase blood flow, helping to break through numbness and reestablish a connection with your body.
Guided Practice:
Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, bringing your awareness to your hands or feet. Imagine a gentle vibration or hum traveling through your body. Notice any sensations that arise, perhaps a tingling or a warmth.
Bring your awareness to the vibrations within your body. Perhaps you start by noticing the subtle vibrations of your breath as it moves through your nose and down into your lungs, or maybe the gentle thrum of your heartbeat. Allow yourself to focus on these internal vibrations, feeling them as a connection to your inner self.
As you continue, gently tap different parts of your body with your fingertips—your arms, your legs, your chest. Feel the vibrations this tapping creates, noticing how the sensation spreads from the point of contact throughout your body. Perhaps you sense a gentle ripple effect, a wave of energy that moves through you, or maybe a more localized sensation. Allow yourself to stay with these feelings, noticing how each tap brings a new awareness to your body.
Imagine these vibrations as a way to reconnect with different parts of yourself. Perhaps there is a sense of awakening, a subtle activation, or maybe a calming effect that helps you feel more grounded. Allow yourself to explore what these vibrations mean to you, noticing any images, thoughts, or emotions that arise. You might feel a deeper connection to your body's inner rhythms, or perhaps a sense of releasing tension or stress.
When you feel ready, gently stop tapping and let your hands rest in your lap. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of vibrancy, calm, or perhaps something else. Allow yourself to stay in this state for a few more breaths, enjoying the reconnection with your body. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of awareness and vitality with you into your day.
Finger Paint Exploration

How To Do It:
Use finger paints or any other safe, tactile medium to explore sensation through art. Don’t worry about creating a specific image; instead, focus on the feeling of the paint on your fingers, the texture of the paper, and the movement of your hands. Allow yourself to get messy and fully engage with the sensory experience.
Why It Works:
Finger painting allows for full engagement with touch, encouraging you to reconnect with your senses through a playful and expressive medium, which can help break through emotional numbness.
Guided Practice:
Sit comfortably with a set of finger paints in front of you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling the coolness of the paint on your fingers. Imagine moving your fingers through the paint, creating shapes or patterns.
Close your eyes for a moment and notice any emotions or feelings that are present for you today—whether they are clear and strong or subtle and hard to define.
Open your eyes and dip your fingers into the paint, allowing yourself to choose colors that resonate with your current feelings begin to paint on the paper in front of you, using your fingers to create shapes, patterns, or simply free-flowing movements. Notice the sensation of the paint on your skin—perhaps it feels cool, slippery, or thick. Allow yourself to engage fully with this tactile experience, letting the paint express whatever needs to come out.
As you continue painting, notice any images, memories, or beliefs that arise. Perhaps certain colors or shapes remind you of familiar feelings, or maybe new insights emerge as you create. Allow yourself to explore these fully, staying present with the process. You might notice a pattern in how you express yourself, or perhaps a realization about how your emotions influence your creative choices.
When you feel ready, take a step back and look at your painting. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of release, joy, or perhaps a new understanding of your emotions. Allow yourself to stay with this feeling for a few more moments, enjoying the freedom and expression of finger painting. When you are ready, gently set the paints aside, opening your eyes and carrying this sense of creativity and emotional awareness with you into your day.
Body Brushing

How To Do It:
Use a dry brush or a soft-bristled brush and gently brush your skin, starting from your feet and moving upwards toward your heart. Use long, sweeping motions and focus on the sensation of the bristles against your skin. As you brush, imagine that you’re waking up your body, bringing life and sensation back to each area.
Why It Works:
Dry brushing stimulates the skin and lymphatic system, encouraging circulation and a heightened sense of awareness in the body, which can help alleviate feelings of numbness.
Guided Practice:
Hold a soft body brush in your hand, and sit or stand comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Notice the bristles of the brush, their texture, and how they feel firm or soft against your skin begin to brush your skin gently, starting at your feet and moving upwards, using long, sweeping strokes. Notice any sensations in your body—perhaps a tingling or a tickling.
Feel the sensation of the bristles on your skin—the tingling, the slight scratchiness, or perhaps a soothing sensation. Notice how different areas of your skin respond differently to the brush, and how these sensations change as you move from one part of your body to another. Reflect on where in your life these sensations or feelings might be familiar—perhaps in moments of care, attention, or even discomfort.
Allow any images, beliefs, or meanings to arise naturally as you continue brushing. Feel the contrast between areas that feel sensitive and those that feel more numb or desensitized—one might feel vibrant and alive, while the other feels muted. Stay with the act of brushing, noticing how your body and breath respond to the varying sensations and textures.
When you feel ready to stop, pause and take a deep breath. Notice any remaining sensations—perhaps a warmth or a tingling that lingers on your skin. Allow yourself to stay with whatever sensations or thoughts arise, being fully present. When you’re ready, gently bring your awareness back to the room.
Ice Cube Awakening

How To Do It:
Take an ice cube and hold it in your hand. Focus on the sensation of the coldness against your skin. Slowly move the ice cube around your hand, and then to other parts of your body, such as your wrist, neck, or face. Pay attention to how your skin reacts to the temperature and how it brings your awareness to the specific area where you place it. Let the intense sensation of cold help break through the numbness.
Why It Works:
The sharp contrast of temperature can help jolt your senses awake, bringing you back into connection with your body and helping to counteract the feeling of numbness.
Guided Practice:
Find a comfortable place to sit or stand with an ice cube in your hand. Close your eyes if that feels right, and take a few deep breaths.
Feel the immediate sensation of coldness against your skin, the smoothness of the ice cube as it begins to melt slightly in your warm hand. Notice the tingling sensation as the coldness spreads from your hand through your fingers, bringing a sense of awakening and clarity. Allow yourself to fully experience the sensation of the ice cube, feeling each moment as it starts to melt.
As the ice cube continues to melt in your hand, notice the cool water beginning to trickle down your fingers, awakening your senses even more. Feel the droplets running down your hand, the refreshing coolness spreading through your palm and up your arm. Imagine this cool, invigorating sensation moving through your entire body, gently awakening every cell. Allow this feeling to bring you into the present moment, fully alert and aware.
Imagine that with each drop of water that falls from the ice cube, you are releasing any tension, fatigue, or stress from your body. Feel the coolness as it flows through your hand, washing away any heaviness or drowsiness. Allow this sensation to move through your entire body, bringing a sense of clarity and freshness. Feel the light, cool energy spreading from your hand throughout your entire body, awakening your senses and refreshing your mind.
As the last bit of the ice cube melts away, take a few more deep breaths, feeling the lingering coolness and clarity in your body. Notice how your body feels now—perhaps more awake, more alert, or a different sensation altogether. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, bringing with you a sense of clarity and rejuvenation. Know that you can return to this practice whenever you need to refresh your mind and awaken your senses.
Temperature Contrast Shower

How To Do It:
Take a shower, alternating between warm and cool water. Start with warm water to relax your body, then switch to cool water for a few seconds, focusing on the sensation of the temperature change on your skin. Repeat this cycle several times, finishing with a warm rinse. Pay attention to how your skin and muscles react to the changes in temperature.
Why It Works:
Alternating temperatures can stimulate blood flow and awaken nerve endings, helping to break through the numbness by engaging your body's natural responses to temperature changes.
Guided Practice:
Stand or sit near a shower, feeling the sensation of water on your skin. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, noticing any sensations of warmth or coolness. Imagine the feeling of water flowing over your body, cleansing and awakening your senses.
As you prepare to enter the shower, continue by taking a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to center. Feel the warm water cascading over your body, noticing the sensation of heat against your skin. Allow the warmth to penetrate your muscles, releasing any tension or stress. After a few moments, turn the water to a cooler temperature, feeling the immediate contrast. Notice the sensation of coolness against your skin—perhaps a sharp tingling, a refreshing chill, or a sense of awakening. Visualize this contrast as a way to invigorate your senses and reset your energy. You might notice familiar patterns of comfort and discomfort, or feel new insights about how you respond to change.
Allow this practice of temperature contrast to help you build resilience and adaptability. Perhaps you feel a sense of renewal, a sharpening of your senses, or a new awareness of your own capacity to adapt. Notice any beliefs or insights that arise as you continue to experience the contrast. When you feel ready, finish the shower with a few moments of warm water, allowing your body to relax again. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of invigoration, relaxation, or perhaps a renewed connection to your own adaptability. Allow yourself to stay with this feeling for a few moments, enjoying the sensation of balance and renewal. When you are ready, gently step out of the shower, carrying this sense of resilience and adaptability with you into your day.
Tactile Memory Recall

How To Do It:
Find an object with a distinctive texture, like a piece of fabric, a smooth stone, or a rough piece of bark. Close your eyes and hold the object, paying close attention to its texture, temperature, and weight. As you explore the object, try to recall a memory associated with a similar texture. Allow the memory to unfold, bringing with it emotions and sensations, helping to reconnect you with your feelings.
Why It Works:
Engaging with tactile memory can help to reawaken not just physical sensations but also emotional connections, helping to move you out of a numb state.
Guided Practice:
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, bringing your awareness to your hands. Imagine the sensation of touching different textures—perhaps a soft fabric or a rough surface. Notice any memories or feelings that arise.
Bring your awareness to your hands and fingers, feeling their presence in your lap or on the surface in front of you. Imagine that your hands are holding an object from your past, something that carries a special meaning or memory for you. Notice the texture, weight, and temperature of this imaginary object. Perhaps it feels familiar and comforting, or maybe it brings up other sensations or feelings.
As you continue to focus on this imagined object, notice what memories or emotions arise. Perhaps you recall a specific moment, a feeling of joy, nostalgia, or even a different emotion altogether. Allow yourself to fully experience whatever comes up, welcoming it without judgment. You might notice details about the object—the way it feels in your hand, the memories it evokes, or the emotions connected to those memories. Stay with this tactile memory recall, allowing the experience to unfold naturally.
Feel the connection between your hands and the imagined object, noticing any shifts in your awareness or emotional state. Perhaps there is a sense of calm, warmth, or a deeper understanding of what this object represents for you. Allow yourself to explore these sensations and feelings, noticing any insights or realizations that arise. Notice what this object symbolizes for you and how it might relate to your present experience.
When you feel ready, gently release the imagined object from your hands, allowing it to rest in your memory. Take a moment to notice how you feel now—perhaps a sense of peace, connection, or something else. Allow yourself to remain in this state for a few more breaths, enjoying the stillness and presence. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your surroundings, opening your eyes and carrying any newfound insights or feelings with you into your day.
Weighted Blanket Compression

How To Do It:
Lie down and cover yourself with a weighted blanket. Focus on the sensation of the blanket pressing against your body, creating a sense of being held or anchored. As you lie there, try to tune into your breath and how your body feels under the pressure. Imagine the weight slowly melting the numbness away, helping you reconnect with your physical sensations.
Why It Works:
Weighted blankets provide deep pressure stimulation, which can calm the nervous system and help you feel more grounded and connected to your body, reducing feelings of numbness.
Guided Practice:
Lie down and place a weighted blanket or pillows and a blanket over your body. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling the weight pressing down on you.
Notice the sensation of the pressure, how it wraps around you like a cocoon, and the way your body sinks into the surface beneath you. Imagine this weight as a source of grounding and stability.
As you lie under the blanket, feel the compression across different parts of your body. Notice where the weight feels most pronounced—perhaps on your chest, legs, or arms—and how it changes with each breath. Invite yourself to become aware of other places in your life where you seek or experience this sense of grounding or containment.
Allow any images, beliefs, or meanings associated with this sensation to emerge naturally. Feel the contrast between the security of the weight and the desire for movement or freedom—one might feel comforting, while the other might feel restricting. Stay with the experience, noticing how your body responds to the steady, gentle pressure.
When you feel ready, take a few deep breaths and focus on your body under the blanket. Notice the sensations that are present—whether they are physical, emotional, or something else. Allow yourself to remain with these sensations for as long as you need. When you're ready, gently bring your awareness back to your breath and the room around you.
Gong Bath or Sound Healing

How To Do It:
Attend a gong bath or use a sound healing track at home with gongs, singing bowls, or tuning forks. Lie down comfortably and let the vibrations from the sounds wash over your body. Focus on how the different tones and frequencies feel as they resonate through your body, imagining the vibrations gently waking up areas that feel numb or disconnected.
Why It Works:
Sound healing uses vibrations to stimulate the body’s energy systems, which can help reawaken senses and emotions, making it an effective tool for combating numbness.
Guided Practice:
Sit comfortably in a quiet space with a gong or a sound healing bowl nearby. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, tuning into the stillness around you. Imagine the sound waves gently moving through your body, creating a sense of relaxation or calm. Notice any sensations that arise, without needing to strike the gong just yet.
Tap the gong and as the sound begins, allow the vibrations of the gong to wash over you, noticing how the sound moves through the space and reaches your body. Feel the sound waves as they flow over and around you, perhaps sensing a gentle tingling or a deeper vibration.
As the sound continues, notice how it interacts with different parts of your body. Perhaps you feel the vibrations in your chest, your belly, or even your fingertips. Allow yourself to explore these sensations, noticing how the sound affects your physical and emotional state. You might notice a sense of release, a softening of tension, or perhaps a feeling of being enveloped in sound.
Imagine the sound waves as a form of cleansing energy, moving through you and clearing away any tension, stress, or unwanted emotions. Notice how each sound seems to have its own quality—some may feel grounding, others uplifting or soothing. Allow yourself to fully experience these qualities, noticing any insights or realizations that arise. You might feel a deeper sense of peace, a release of emotional weight, or perhaps just a simple awareness of the present moment.
When the sound gradually fades, bring your awareness back to your breath, allowing yourself to rest in the stillness that follows. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of calm, clarity, or perhaps something else entirely. Allow yourself to stay in this state for a few more moments, enjoying the aftereffects of the sound healing. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of renewal and presence with you into your day.
Slow Motion Self-Touch

How To Do It:
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Begin to gently touch your body with slow, deliberate movements. Start with your hands, moving them across your arms, shoulders, and face. Focus on the sensation of your touch, the warmth of your skin, and the pressure of your fingers. Move as slowly as possible, allowing yourself to fully experience each touch.
Why It Works:
Slow motion touch helps to heighten your awareness of your body, allowing you to break through numbness by focusing intently on physical sensations.
Guided Practice:
Find a comfortable position where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, bringing your awareness to your hands and body. Imagine moving your hands in slow motion, as if gently exploring your skin. Notice any sensations of touch or warmth.
Remain gently seated, letting each breath ease your body and calm your thoughts. Bring your attention to your hands, noticing any sensations or subtle movements. Slowly begin to move your hands over your body, perhaps starting with your arms, moving in a gentle, slow-motion. Notice the sensations of your own touch — the warmth of your skin, the softness of your fingertips, or the texture of your clothing.
Continue this slow-motion exploration, moving your hands to different parts of your body — your shoulders, your neck, your chest. Feel the sensations of touch changing with each area — perhaps a sense of comfort, a feeling of relaxation, or even a gentle release of tension. Stay with these sensations, allowing your touch to be a form of gentle self-care and self-awareness. Notice how your body responds — perhaps a deepening of breath, a softening of muscles, or a subtle shift in energy.
Imagine that your hands are offering a soothing, healing energy, gently nurturing and caring for each part of your body. Feel this energy moving through your hands, spreading warmth and relaxation wherever you touch. Notice if any emotions or memories arise as you continue this slow-motion self-touch — perhaps a sense of self-compassion, a feeling of safety, or a memory of being comforted. Allow these experiences to be present, without needing to change them. Stay connected to the sensations and feelings that arise, letting your touch guide you deeper into a state of relaxation and presence.
When you feel ready, bring your hands to rest in your lap, taking a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more relaxed, more nurtured, or simply more connected to yourself. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of self-compassion and awareness with you into your day, feeling more attuned to your own needs and sensations.