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Somatic Activities to Support Feeling


Sculpting with Clay

Take a lump of clay or playdough and begin molding it with your hands.

Lion’s Breath

Sit comfortably and take a deep breath in through your nose.

Echo Release

Find a place with a good echo, such as a canyon, tunnel, or even a large empty room.

Yarn Unraveling

Take a ball of yarn or string and begin to slowly unravel it.

Balloon Popping

Blow up several small balloons, each one representing something that’s irritating you.

Ear Pulling for Jaw Tension

Place your thumbs behind your earlobes and your index fingers in front, gently pulling your ears away from your head.

Bubble Wrap Stomp

Lay out a sheet of bubble wrap on the floor.

Neck and Jaw Stretch

Sit or stand with a straight back.

Candle Drip

Light a candle and place a bowl of water beneath it.

Rock Stack

Collect a few medium-sized stones or rocks, ideally from a natural environment.

Jaw Release with Tongue Stretch

Start by sitting or standing comfortably.

Neck Roll with Jaw Awareness

Sit or stand with your spine straight.

Facial Scrunch and Release

Sit comfortably and scrunch up your entire face as tightly as possible—close your eyes, wrinkle your nose, clench your jaw, and pull your lips together.

Scream into Water

Fill a large bowl or basin with water.

Thread Pull

Take a spool of thread or yarn and find a place where you can anchor one end.

Leaf Crumple

Collect a handful of dry leaves from outside.

Facial Tension Release

Sit comfortably and place the pads of your fingers along your jawline.

Sand Writing and Erase

Find a sandbox, beach, or a tray of sand.

Writing and Crumple

Take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that is irritating you in quick, sharp strokes.

Bubble Blowing

Use a bubble-blowing wand and solution to blow bubbles into the air.

Gum Chewing Visualization

Take a piece of gum or imagine chewing something soft.

Ribbon Dance

Take a long, colorful ribbon or scarf and hold one end in your hand.

Jaw Clench and Release

Begin by clenching your jaw tightly, holding the tension for a few seconds.

Jaw Drop with Sound Release

Stand or sit with your shoulders relaxed.

Water Balloon Smash

Fill a few water balloons and take them to an outdoor space where you can make a bit of a mess.

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