Somatic Activities to Support Feeling
Embodiment through Movement

How To Do It:
Imagine that your embarrassment is an energy that needs to be expressed. Start moving your body in a way that feels natural—this could be shaking, twisting, or any spontaneous movement. Let your body 'act out' the embarrassment, exaggerating the movements until the energy dissipates.
Why It Works:
Physical movement allows the body to process and release emotional energy. By embodying the emotion, you can move through it more quickly and prevent it from lingering.
Guided Practice:
Take a moment to find a space where you can move freely. Stand or sit comfortably, feeling the ground beneath your feet. Notice any sensations in your body—perhaps there's a sense of energy or stillness.
Start moving your body in any way that feels natural—swaying, stretching, or flowing freely. Notice the sensations—perhaps a gentle stretch in your muscles, a lightness in your limbs, or a sense of energy flowing through you. As you continue to move, imagine each movement as a way to connect more deeply with your own body and feelings. Visualize the movement as a dance, expressing what is inside you. You might notice a belief about your body’s ability or feel a familiar sense of freedom. Allow yourself to explore these sensations fully, staying present with each motion.
Notice what insights or beliefs arise as you move. Is there a familiar pattern of self-expression or a new sense of liberation? Stay with these feelings, allowing the movement to guide you deeper into your own embodied experience.
When you feel ready, gently slow your movements to a stop and take a few more deep breaths, feeling the stillness in your body. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of relaxation, connection, or perhaps a renewed awareness of your own body. Allow yourself to stay with this feeling for a few moments, enjoying the sensation of embodiment. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of connection and freedom with you into your day.
Visualization of Applause

How To Do It:
Close your eyes and visualize yourself in the situation where you felt embarrassed. Instead of focusing on the embarrassment, imagine the people around you clapping and cheering for you. Picture them applauding your courage and resilience.
Why It Works:
This visualization shifts the focus from negative to positive, helping to reframe the experience in a more empowering light, which can reduce the intensity of embarrassment.
Guided Practice:
Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing your mind to settle. Bring your attention to your heart area, noticing any sensations there—perhaps a feeling of warmth or calmness.
Feeling your breath soften your body and quiet your mind. Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing on a stage, in front of a supportive audience. Feel the warmth of the spotlight on your face, the energy of the crowd surrounding you.
Visualize the audience beginning to applaud, a sound of encouragement and appreciation filling the space around you. Feel the vibrations of the applause moving through your body, from your feet up to your head. Notice the sensations this creates — perhaps a tingling in your fingers, a warmth in your chest, or a lightness in your steps. Stay with these sensations, allowing the applause to fill you with a sense of confidence and affirmation.
Imagine this applause as a form of support and recognition for all the hard work you’ve done, all the challenges you’ve overcome. Feel the energy of the audience lifting you up, encouraging you to stand tall and proud. Notice if any feelings, thoughts, or images arise — perhaps a sense of pride, a feeling of joy, or even a memory of being celebrated. Allow these experiences to deepen your practice, connecting you more fully to your own sense of worth and accomplishment.
When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to your breath, taking a few more deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more confident, more supported, or simply more uplifted. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of affirmation and self-worth with you into your day, feeling more ready to embrace your strengths and accomplishments.
Imaginary Cloak of Comfort

How To Do It:
Close your eyes and imagine wrapping yourself in a soft, comforting cloak. Visualize this cloak shielding you from the discomfort of embarrassment, making you feel safe, secure, and protected. Let the feeling of comfort settle in as you breathe deeply.
Why It Works:
Visualization can be a powerful tool for changing your emotional state. Imagining a protective cloak can help you create a barrier between yourself and the feelings of embarrassment, allowing you to regain composure.
Guided Practice:
Close your eyes softly, if that feels comfortable, and take a moment to notice the space around you.
With your eyes closed and your breath steady, continue to imagine that you are holding a warm, soft cloak in your hands—a cloak that brings comfort and security just by its presence. Feel its texture in your hands, soft like velvet or warm like wool, whatever feels most comforting to you. With a gentle motion, drape this cloak over your shoulders, allowing it to settle across your back and wrap around your body. Feel the comfort surrounding you, like a soft presence wrapping gently around you.
Feel the cloak as it envelops you, bringing a sense of warmth and protection. Notice how it feels against your skin, the gentle weight pressing lightly, grounding you. Imagine the cloak shielding you from any stress or worry, creating a safe, comforting barrier around you. Allow each breath to deepen this sense of comfort, feeling the cloak hug you softly, offering peace and security.
As you breathe in, imagine the cloak is infused with calming energy, and as it wraps around you, it begins to infuse your body with this soothing warmth. Feel this comforting energy spreading from your shoulders down through your torso, into your arms, legs, and feet. Each inhale draws in more of this comforting energy, while each exhale releases tension or discomfort. Allow the cloak to fully embrace you, creating a nurturing space where you can rest and relax.
Stay with this sensation of the cloak’s comfort for a few more moments, savoring the warmth and security it provides. Know that this imaginary cloak is always available to you, a source of comfort and protection whenever you need it. As you slowly release the imagery, feel the cloak gently dissolve, leaving behind a lingering sense of warmth and peace. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, carrying with you the comfort and relaxation that this practice has brought.
Hand Squeeze with Positive Affirmation

How To Do It:
Gently squeeze your hands together, feeling the pressure between your palms. As you do this, repeat a positive affirmation, such as “I am okay,” or “This feeling will pass.” Focus on the sensation of your hands and the calming rhythm of your breath.
Why It Works:
The physical act of squeezing your hands combined with positive affirmations helps to ground you in the present moment, offering comfort and reducing the emotional impact of embarrassment.
Guided Practice:
Bring yourself to a place of stillness, either sitting or standing, where you feel secure. Become aware of your hands and how they rest naturally. There might be a gentle sensation or a feeling of calmness. Let yourself simply be present with this awareness, noticing the contact and connection.
Remain gently seated, letting each breath ease your body and calm your thoughts. Bring your hands together in front of your chest, clasping them gently. Notice the sensation of your hands touching — the warmth, the pressure, or the texture of your skin. Feel the connection between your hands, as if you are holding a source of strength and support.
As you squeeze your hands together, silently repeat a positive affirmation, such as “i am strong,” “i am grounded,” or “i am at peace.” feel the power of your words resonating through your body with each squeeze, as if the affirmation is being absorbed into your muscles and bones. Notice the sensations in your hands and arms — perhaps a gentle tightening, a surge of energy, or a sense of empowerment. Stay with these sensations, letting each squeeze and affirmation deepen your connection to your own inner strength.
Imagine the affirmation radiating outward from your hands, filling your entire body with its positive energy. Feel this energy moving through your chest, down into your core, and throughout your limbs, reinforcing your belief in the affirmation. Notice if any feelings or images arise — perhaps a sense of calm, a feeling of courage, or an image of yourself standing tall and strong. Allow these sensations and thoughts to deepen your experience, connecting you more fully to your inner resources.
When you feel ready, gently release your hands and place them on your lap, taking a few deep breaths to settle into stillness. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more grounded, more confident, or simply more at ease. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of affirmation and inner strength with you into your day, feeling more empowered and supported by your own positive energy.
Cold Water Splash

How To Do It:
Go to a sink and splash your face with cold water several times. Focus on the sensation of the cold water against your skin, allowing it to refresh and wake you up from the emotional fog of embarrassment.
Why It Works:
The sudden cold sensation can help to reset your nervous system, snapping you out of the embarrassed state and helping you to regain composure and clarity.
Guided Practice:
Find a place where you can relax and feel at ease. Take a few moments to bring your awareness to your face, noticing any sensations of warmth or tension. Imagine the feeling of cool, refreshing water against your skin, without needing to actually do anything. Just be here with this image, letting it bring a sense of calm or refreshment.
Stand near a sink with a bowl of cold water in front of you taking a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to settle into the present moment. Gently dip your hands into the cold water, feeling the coolness on your skin. Bring your wet hands up to your face, lightly splashing the water onto your cheeks and forehead.
Feel the refreshing sensation of the cold water on your skin, the way it awakens your senses and brings you into the present moment. Notice the sensations — perhaps a tingling in your skin, a sense of clarity in your mind, or a coolness spreading through your face. Stay with these sensations, allowing the cold water to refresh and invigorate you.
Imagine the cold water washing away any stress, tension, or tiredness, bringing a sense of renewal and clarity. Feel the water as a cleansing force, a way to reset and refresh your body and mind. Notice if any emotions, thoughts, or images arise — perhaps a sense of renewal, a feeling of clarity, or even a memory of feeling refreshed. Allow these experiences to deepen your practice, connecting you more fully to the process of awakening and renewal.
When you feel ready, gently pat your face dry with a towel, taking a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more awake, more clear, or simply more refreshed. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of renewal and clarity with you into your day, feeling more energized and ready to face whatever comes your way.
Laughing Release

How To Do It:
Sit or stand in a comfortable position and start by forcing a small, gentle laugh. Gradually let the laugh grow louder and more genuine. Allow yourself to exaggerate the laugh, even if it feels silly. Continue laughing until you feel a release of tension.
Why It Works:
Laughter is a powerful way to break the intensity of embarrassment. It helps to shift the energy from serious to playful, reducing the weight of the emotion and making it easier to move on.
Guided Practice:
Find a place where you can be alone and feel free to express yourself. Allow yourself to settle into a comfortable position, either sitting or standing. Begin to notice the sensations in your face and body, perhaps feeling a sense of lightness or a hint of joy. Be present with whatever feelings arise, without needing to judge or change them.
Continue to let each breath ease your body and calm your thoughts. Bring a gentle smile to your face, feeling the muscles in your cheeks lift and your eyes soften. Allow this smile to grow into a light chuckle, a small, playful laugh that begins to bubble up from within you.
As you continue to chuckle, let the laughter build. Feel it spreading through your body, perhaps starting in your belly, moving up through your chest, and into your throat. Notice the sensations of laughing — perhaps a warmth in your belly, a lightness in your chest, or a tingling in your face. Stay with these sensations, allowing the laughter to become fuller and more spontaneous. Imagine that with each laugh, you are releasing tension, stress, and old emotions.
Visualize the laughter as a cleansing wave, washing over you and carrying away anything heavy or unwanted. Feel the energy of the laughter filling your body, bringing a sense of joy, release, and freedom. Notice if any emotions, thoughts, or images arise as you laugh — perhaps a sense of joy, a feeling of connection, or even a memory of a happy moment. Allow these experiences to flow naturally, without needing to analyze or change them.
When you feel ready, let the laughter slowly come to a stop, taking a few deep breaths to settle into stillness. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more relaxed, more open, or simply more joyful. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of lightness and joy with you into your day, feeling more connected to your own sense of playfulness and release.
Shoulder Shrug and Release

How To Do It:
Inhale deeply and lift your shoulders up toward your ears in a shrug, holding the tension for a moment. Then exhale forcefully and drop your shoulders, letting go of the tension and any lingering feelings of embarrassment. Repeat this a few times.
Why It Works:
The shoulder shrug and release help to physically express and then let go of the tension that often comes with embarrassment, promoting a sense of relaxation and release.
Guided Practice:
Find a position where you feel balanced and comfortable. Take a moment to notice your shoulders and the space they occupy. You might feel a sense of lightness or perhaps a heaviness there. Allow your awareness to explore these sensations, without needing to alter or adjust anything.
Settle further into your seat, allowing each breath to soften your body and bring calm to your mind. Bring your attention to your shoulders, noticing any tension or tightness there. Gently lift your shoulders up toward your ears, holding them in a tense, shrugged position for a few seconds.
Feel the build-up of tension in your shoulders and neck, the muscles contracting as you hold this position. Notice the sensations of tightness, perhaps a feeling of weight or strain. Stay with these sensations, allowing yourself to fully experience the tension. As you exhale, quickly drop your shoulders down, releasing all the tension with a sigh or a soft exhale.
Repeat this shoulder shrug and release a few more times, each time holding the tension a bit longer and then releasing it fully. Imagine that with each release, you are letting go of stress, worry, or burdens that have been weighing you down. Notice if any emotions, thoughts, or images arise — perhaps a sense of relief, a feeling of lightness, or even a memory of releasing stress. Allow these experiences to deepen your practice, connecting you more fully to the act of letting go.
When you feel ready, bring your shoulders to a relaxed, neutral position, taking a few deep breaths to settle into stillness. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more relaxed, more open, or simply more at ease. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of release and ease with you into your day, feeling more relaxed and unburdened.
Cooling Breath

How To Do It:
Sit comfortably and stick your tongue out slightly, curling the sides upward if possible. Inhale through your mouth, drawing in cool air over your tongue, and then close your mouth and exhale slowly through your nose. Repeat several times.
Why It Works:
Cooling Breath is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system, which can help cool down the intense heat that often accompanies embarrassment, both physically and emotionally.
Guided Practice:
Take a moment to settle into a comfortable space. Notice how the air feels around you, perhaps sensing a subtle difference in temperature as you breathe. Allow your awareness to gently rest here, simply observing the sensations in your body without any need to change or do anything.
Keep focusing on your breath, noticing its natural rhythm as it flows in and out. Curl your tongue into a tube shape or gently place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and breathe in through your mouth. Feel the cool air passing over your tongue, bringing a sense of freshness and calm. Notice the sensations—perhaps a coolness in your mouth, a refreshing sensation in your throat, or a lightness in your chest.
As you continue with the cooling breath, visualize a gentle breeze moving through your body, calming and soothing every part of you. You might notice a belief about cooling or feel a familiar sense of relaxation and ease. Allow yourself to explore these sensations fully, staying present with each breath.
Notice what feelings or memories arise with this cooling sensation. Is there a familiar association with calm or a sense of peace from the coolness? Explore these sensations, allowing them to deepen your relaxation.
When you feel ready, return to your normal breathing pattern and take a few more deep breaths, noticing the cooling effect throughout your body. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of calm, refreshment, or perhaps a renewed connection to your own breath. Allow yourself to stay with this feeling for a few moments, enjoying the sensation of cooling and calming. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of refreshment and tranquility with you into your day.
Grounding with Object Focus

How To Do It:
Hold a small, solid object in your hand, such as a smooth stone or a piece of wood. Focus all your attention on the texture, weight, and temperature of the object. Allow the object to ground you in the present moment, pulling you out of the past experience of embarrassment.
Why It Works:
Grounding exercises help to anchor you in the present moment, reducing the impact of past emotional experiences like embarrassment. Focusing on a physical object can provide a sense of stability and calm.
Guided Practice:
Find a small, solid object to hold in your hand—a stone, a piece of wood, or anything else that feels grounding to you. Sit comfortably and take a moment to feel the weight of the object in your hand, noticing its texture and shape.
Allow yourself to be still, feeling your breath soften your body and quiet your mind. Choose a small object to hold in your hand — it could be a stone, a leaf, a piece of jewelry, or any object that feels meaningful to you. Hold the object gently in your hand, and begin to explore it with your senses. Notice the weight of the object in your palm, the texture against your skin, and the temperature it holds.
Slowly move your fingers over the surface of the object, feeling every ridge, curve, or smooth area. Notice the sensations in your fingertips — perhaps a roughness, a softness, or a coolness. Stay with these sensations, allowing your mind to focus fully on the tactile experience. Feel the object as if you are discovering it for the first time, noticing its unique qualities and characteristics. You might find that this focused attention brings up feelings or thoughts — perhaps a sense of curiosity, a feeling of calm, or even a memory associated with the object. Allow these experiences to be present, without judgment or need to change them.
Imagine the object as a symbol of something meaningful to you — perhaps a connection to nature, a reminder of a loved one, or a symbol of strength. Feel how this meaning deepens your exploration, connecting you more deeply to the present moment and to the object itself. Notice if any images, beliefs, or insights arise as you continue to explore the object mindfully. Let this simple act of exploration become a meditation, grounding you in your senses and your experience.
When you feel ready, gently place the object back down, taking a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more connected, more aware, or simply more at peace. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of mindfulness and presence with you into your day, feeling more attuned to the simple moments of life.
Gentle Face Tapping

How To Do It:
Using your fingertips, gently tap around your face, starting from your forehead and moving down to your cheeks, chin, and neck. Focus on any areas where you feel the heat of embarrassment, tapping lightly to disperse the energy.
Why It Works:
Face tapping helps to release tension and dissipate the warmth that often accompanies embarrassment, promoting a sense of relief and relaxation.
Guided Practice:
Find a place where you can sit quietly and comfortably. Let your hands rest easily, and bring your awareness to your face. Notice any sensations there—perhaps a warmth or a coolness, or a sense of stillness. Just be present with what you feel, letting your awareness gently explore without expectation.
Encourage yourself to stay comfortably seated, with each breath bringing a deeper relaxation to your body and peace to your mind. Bring your hands to your face, using your fingertips to gently tap around your forehead, temples, cheeks, and jaw. Feel the light, rhythmic tapping on your skin, noticing the sensations it creates.
Continue this gentle tapping, moving around your face in a circular pattern. Notice the sensations under your fingertips — perhaps a slight tingling, a sense of awakening, or a gentle release of tension. Stay with these sensations, allowing the tapping to bring a sense of relaxation and release to your face and mind. Imagine that with each tap, you are releasing any tension or stress held in your facial muscles.
Visualize the tapping as a form of self-massage, a way to care for yourself and release any built-up stress or tension. Feel the relaxation spreading through your face, down into your neck and shoulders. Notice if any emotions, thoughts, or images arise — perhaps a sense of calm, a feeling of release, or even a memory of being cared for. Allow these experiences to deepen your practice, connecting you more fully to your own capacity for self-care and relaxation.
When you feel ready, gently bring your tapping to a stop, taking a few deep breaths to settle into stillness. Notice how your face and body feel now — perhaps more relaxed, more open, or simply more at ease. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of relaxation and self-care with you into your day, feeling more connected to your own well-being.