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Wake-Up Tapping

Materials Needed:

To Support Feeling:


How to Do It

Stand or sit comfortably and use your fingertips to gently tap all over your body, starting from your feet and moving up to your head. Tap your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, and finally your face and scalp. Tap quickly but gently, aiming to stimulate your skin and awaken your body.

Why It Works

Tapping stimulates circulation and can help wake up your body’s energy, making you feel more alert and less apathetic.

Guided Practice

Find a position that feels comfortable, either standing or sitting. Take a few moments to tune into the sensation of your fingertips. Notice the gentle tingling or warmth, and allow yourself to become curious about how your body feels in this moment.

Bring your awareness to your body and take a few deep breaths, feeling the expansion and contraction of your chest. Start by tapping lightly with your fingertips on the top of your head, feeling the gentle impact of each tap. Notice the sensations that arise — perhaps a tingling on your scalp, a subtle vibration, or a sense of awakening in your mind. Move your tapping down to your forehead and temples, feeling the rhythmic tapping creating a soothing yet invigorating sensation. Pay attention to how your body responds to this movement — maybe a slight relaxation around your eyes or a sense of clarity in your thoughts. Continue to tap gently along your cheeks, jawline, and down to your neck. Feel the energy moving through these areas, each tap helping to release tension and bring a fresh sense of alertness. As you continue this practice, notice if there are any areas that feel particularly responsive or resistant to the tapping. Stay with these sensations, observing how the tapping helps to stimulate energy and circulation in your body. Feel the rhythm of your tapping as it moves down your arms, torso, and legs, like a gentle drumbeat waking up each part of your body. When you feel ready, gradually slow your tapping and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to settle. Notice the sensations now — perhaps a tingling throughout your body, a warmth, or a renewed sense of energy. Gently open your eyes, feeling awake and energized, ready to start your day with a fresh, invigorated body and mind.

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