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Vigorous Shaking

Materials Needed



How to Do It

Stand up and shake your entire body vigorously, starting with your hands and arms, then your torso, and finally your legs and feet. Allow the shaking to loosen up your muscles and release any tension. Do this for a minute or two.

Why It Works

Shaking is a natural way to release stress and tension from the body, helping to calm the nervous system and reduce the physical symptoms of feeling threatened.

Guided Practice

Find a space where you can stand comfortably and move freely. Close your eyes if it feels right, and begin to notice the sensation of your feet on the ground and your body’s natural sway. Feel the energy in your limbs and the readiness in your muscles. Allow yourself to become aware of this stored energy, sensing any tingling or readiness in your body.

Remain standing tall and balanced, feeling your connection with the ground. Feel the ground firmly beneath you, supporting your weight take a deep breath, and as you exhale, begin to shake your hands and wrists gently. Notice the sensation in your hands as they begin to move, the way the skin and muscles react to the motion.

Gradually increase the shaking, letting it move up through your arms to your shoulders. Let your body be loose, allowing the shaking to spread through your torso, legs, and feet. Feel the vibrations moving through your entire body, the dynamic energy of the shaking, and how different parts of your body respond. Continue to shake, exploring different rhythms and intensities, noticing how the movement feels in your muscles and joints.

As you shake, stay present with the physical sensations. Observe the way your breath changes, perhaps becoming more rapid or deep. Feel the movement of your skin and the inner vibrations that arise. Let go of any thoughts or judgments, allowing your body to move freely and naturally, staying with the experience of shaking.

When you feel ready, begin to slow the shaking, gradually allowing your body to come to stillness. Stand quietly, taking a few deep breaths. Notice any sensations in your body now—perhaps a tingling or a sense of lightness. Take a few moments to be present with whatever you feel, then gently bring your awareness back to the room around you.

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