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Supported Reclining Pose

Materials Needed:

To Support Feeling:


How to Do It

Lie on your back with a bolster or a few pillows under your knees and another under your head. Open your arms out to the sides, palms facing up, in a receiving posture. Focus on slow, deep breathing, and let your body fully relax into the support of the pillows.

Why It Works

This pose allows your body to fully release into a supported position, relieving physical tension and encouraging mental relaxation. It’s especially helpful when you’re too exhausted to engage in more active exercises.

Guided Practice

Find a comfortable place where you can lie down.

Lie down with your back supported by a cushion or bolster, allowing your chest to open and your shoulders to relax taking a few deep breaths, feeling the support beneath you and the gentle stretch across your chest. Let your arms rest comfortably by your sides, palms facing up, and allow your legs to extend out in front of you. Notice the sensations of being supported — perhaps a sense of relaxation, a feeling of openness, or even a touch of resistance. As you settle into the pose, focus on your breath. Notice how each inhale gently lifts your chest, and how each exhale allows you to sink deeper into the support beneath you. Feel the stretch across your chest and the relaxation in your shoulders, staying with these sensations as they unfold. Notice any emotions that arise — perhaps a sense of peace, a feeling of vulnerability, or even a touch of discomfort. Allow yourself to stay with these emotions, knowing they are all a part of the experience. Visualize yourself lying in a field of soft grass, with the earth beneath you providing support and the sky above offering a sense of freedom. See if any images, symbols, or memories arise — perhaps a memory of lying in a park, a belief about openness, or an image of a wide-open sky. Allow these images to deepen your sense of relaxation and support, letting them guide your experience in this pose. Notice how this visualization affects you — perhaps bringing a sense of expansion, a feeling of ease, or even a sense of surrender to the support around you. When you feel ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment, taking a few deep breaths as you begin to notice the sensations in your body again. Feel the support of the cushion or bolster beneath you, and the openness in your chest and shoulders. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more relaxed, more supported, or simply more aware of your connection to the earth. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of relaxation and support with you into your day, feeling more at ease and open to whatever comes your way.

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