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Spinal Twist

Materials Needed



How to Do It

Sit or lie down, and twist your torso to one side, holding the position for a few breaths. This helps to release tension in the back and improve spinal flexibility.

Why It Works

This exercise helps to release tension in the back and improve spinal flexibility.

Guided Practice

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths, feeling the air move in and out of your lungs. Notice the sensations in your body, perhaps feeling a sense of stillness or restlessness. Let your breath guide you as you prepare to engage with this exercise.

Seated comfortably with your spine tall, continue by taking a deep breath in, feeling the length and strength in your spine. As you exhale, gently twist your torso to the right, placing your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you for support. Feel the twist starting from the base of your spine, moving upward through your ribcage. Notice the sensation of your muscles stretching and lengthening, the gentle compression in your abdomen.

With each inhale, lengthen your spine, creating more space between each vertebra. As you exhale, gently deepen the twist, allowing your body to move naturally into the stretch. Feel the rotation in your spine, the engagement of your core muscles, and the opening of your chest. Imagine a spiral of energy moving up your spine, each twist releasing tension and bringing a sense of balance.

Stay in this twist for a few breaths, feeling the stretch along your back and sides. Notice any sensations that arise—perhaps a sense of release in your lower back, a gentle pull in your obliques, or a softening of your shoulders. Allow yourself to be fully present with these sensations, exploring them without judgment. You might visualize your spine as a flexible willow branch, bending gracefully with the breeze.

When you're ready, slowly unwind back to the center, taking a moment to notice the neutral position of your spine. Feel the balance and alignment, the openness in your chest and the grounding of your seat. Take a deep breath in, and on the exhale, gently twist to the left, repeating the same movement. Feel the twist starting from your base, moving upward through your torso, each breath guiding you deeper into the stretch.

As you hold this twist, bring your awareness to any areas of tension or resistance. Imagine sending your breath into these areas, allowing them to soften with each exhale. Feel the stretch along your spine, the engagement of your core, and the opening of your shoulders. Allow yourself to relax into this twist, feeling a sense of release and balance spreading through your body.

As we bring this practice to a close, slowly unwind back to the center. Take a few deep breaths, feeling the balance and alignment in your spine, the sense of ease and openness in your body. Notice if there is a feeling of release, lightness, or maybe a different sensation altogether. When you're ready, gently open your eyes or lift your gaze, carrying with you the balance and calm that this practice has brought. Know that you can return to this gentle spinal twist whenever you need to release tension and realign your body.

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