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Somatic Rocking

Materials Needed:

To Support Feeling:


How to Do It

Sit comfortably and bring your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them as if giving yourself a hug. Gently rock back and forth while breathing deeply and slowly.

Why It Works

This exercise mimics a comforting, self-soothing posture, helping to release tension and reduce the feelings of vulnerability that often accompany worry.

Guided Practice

Find a comfortable position where you can sit and lie comfortably. Take a few moments to connect with your breath, noticing its natural rhythm. As you breathe, imagine drawing in calm and releasing any tension.

Feel the natural rhythm of your inhale and exhale. When you're ready, begin to gently rock your body back and forth, side to side, or in a circular motion—whatever feels most soothing to you. Notice if this movement feels comforting or brings a sense of relaxation, or perhaps something else entirely. As you continue to rock, bring your attention to how your body responds to this movement. Feel the weight shift from one side to the other, the gentle sway that flows through your spine and muscles. You might notice a sensation of release with each movement, or perhaps a subtle rhythm that mirrors the ebb and flow of a calm ocean. Allow this rocking motion to become a source of comfort and grounding, a way to connect with your body's innate wisdom. Imagine this gentle rocking as a way to soothe and nurture your whole being, much like a parent gently rocking a child. Perhaps an image arises of being cradled by a soft breeze or swaying gently with the branches of a tree. Allow these sensations and images to flow through you, noticing how they shift and change with each breath and movement. There's no need to rush or force anything—simply let yourself be carried by the rhythm you've created. As we come to the end of this practice, begin to gradually slow down the rocking motion, coming back to stillness. Feel the sense of calm and balance that this movement has brought to your body. Maybe there's a lingering sensation of warmth or peace, or something else entirely. Take a few deep breaths, grounding yourself back in this moment. When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes or lift your gaze, carrying this sense of calm and comfort with you.

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