Self-Soothing Rocking
Materials Needed
How to Do It
Sit in a chair or on the floor and gently rock your body back and forth or side to side. Focus on the soothing rhythm of the motion, allowing it to calm your mind and body.
Why It Works
Rocking is a natural self-soothing motion that can help calm the nervous system, providing comfort and reducing the intensity of the threat response.
Guided Practice
Find a comfortable seated position, allowing your body to feel supported. Close your eyes softly and take a moment to notice the sensation of your body against the chair or floor. Feel the gentle rise and fall of your breath, the subtle sway of your body as it finds its balance. Allow yourself to settle into this feeling, noticing any comforting sensations that arise.
Encourage yourself to stay comfortably seated, with each breath bringing a deeper relaxation to your body and peace to your mind. Gently start to rock your body back and forth, finding a slow, soothing rhythm that feels comfortable to you. Feel the gentle motion of your body, the way it sways from side to side or back and forth, like a calm wave lapping against the shore. Notice the sensations of movement — perhaps a soft rocking in your hips, a gentle sway in your shoulders, or a comforting rhythm in your body.
Continue this rocking motion, allowing yourself to find a rhythm that feels natural and soothing. Imagine that with each gentle sway, you are rocking yourself into a state of calm and relaxation. Feel the movement as a form of self-soothing, a way to comfort yourself in moments of stress or tension. Notice if any emotions or thoughts arise — perhaps a sense of safety, a feeling of comfort, or even a memory of being rocked as a child. Allow these experiences to be present, without needing to change them.
Visualize the rocking motion as a way to cradle yourself, offering support and care to your own body and mind. Feel how this movement connects you to your own sense of comfort and nurturing, a reminder of your ability to care for yourself. Notice if any images, beliefs, or insights arise as you continue to rock — perhaps a sense of inner peace, a feeling of self-compassion, or a memory of being cared for. Allow these experiences to deepen your practice, connecting you more fully to your own capacity for self-care and soothing.
When you feel ready, gently bring your rocking motion to a stop, taking a few deep breaths to settle into stillness. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more relaxed, more nurtured, or simply more at ease. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of self-soothing and comfort with you into your day, feeling more attuned to your own needs and the ability to meet them.