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Positive Mirror Writing

Materials Needed:

To Support Feeling:


How to Do It

Stand in front of a mirror with a washable marker. Write positive affirmations directly on the mirror, such as 'I am worthy,' 'I am enough,' or 'I love who I am.' As you write, say the words out loud and look into your own eyes. Leave the affirmations on the mirror as a daily reminder of your worth.

Why It Works

Writing affirmations on the mirror combines visual and verbal reinforcement, helping to replace self-critical thoughts with positive ones. Seeing these affirmations daily can gradually shift your internal dialogue toward self-compassion.

Guided Practice

Sit with a mirror and a piece of paper nearby. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, noticing the rise and fall of your chest. Imagine writing words of affirmation to yourself while gazing into your own eyes. Feel the emotions that come with this thought, whatever they may be.

Now, look into your own eyes in the mirror, noticing the expression on your face, the light in your eyes, and any thoughts that come up as you see yourself begin to write down positive affirmations or encouraging words that you would like to say to yourself—perhaps words of love, support, or affirmation. As you write, notice how it feels to speak kindly to yourself—perhaps a warmth in your chest, a lightness in your heart, or a sense of calm in your mind. Visualize these words wrapping around you like a comforting blanket, offering protection and care. You might see familiar patterns of self-talk or new beliefs about self-compassion. Allow yourself to explore these fully, staying present with the process of writing. Allow this moment to transform the narrative of your self-talk. Perhaps you feel a sense of empowerment, a release of negativity, or a new understanding of your worth. Notice any insights or realizations that come up as you continue to write. Stay with these sensations, using the mirror as a tool for self-reflection and growth. When you feel ready, take a few more deep breaths and gently put down the pen and paper. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of calm, self-compassion, or perhaps a renewed connection to your self-worth. Allow yourself to stay with this feeling for a few more moments, enjoying the sense of self-love. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of positive affirmation and self-care with you into your day.

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