Mirror Work
Materials Needed:
To Support Feeling:
How to Do It
Stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes, and say positive affirmations aloud (e.g., "I am worthy," "I deserve love and respect"). Repeat this for a few minutes, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.
Why It Works
Mirror work encourages self-acceptance and can help to rewire negative self-perceptions by reinforcing positive beliefs about oneself.
Guided Practice
As you stand before a mirror, take a gentle breath and let yourself become aware of your presence. Notice the light in the room and the reflections it creates. You might sense a quiet stillness or a subtle energy around you.
With your eyes open and a mirror in front of you, gently bring your focus to your own reflection. Look directly into your eyes, allowing yourself to connect deeply with the person staring back at you. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any judgments or criticisms you might hold. Simply observe your face, noticing the unique qualities and features that make you who you are. As you continue to gaze into your eyes, begin to offer yourself words of kindness and affirmation. Speak softly to yourself, perhaps saying, “I am worthy,” “I am enough,” or “I am loved.” feel the impact of these words as they resonate within you. Notice any emotions or sensations that arise—perhaps a sense of warmth, a feeling of tenderness, or even resistance. Allow yourself to be present with whatever comes up, holding yourself in a space of compassion and understanding. Imagine now that the mirror is a window to your inner self, a reflection of your true essence. See beyond the surface, recognizing the strength, resilience, and beauty that lie within. As you continue to speak words of kindness to yourself, imagine these affirmations reaching deep into your heart, nurturing the parts of you that need love and attention. Feel a sense of connection growing stronger, a bond of self-love and acceptance forming with each breath. Spend a few moments here, appreciating the experience of connecting with yourself in this way. Feel gratitude for the opportunity to see yourself with such kindness and clarity. When you’re ready, gently bring your attention back to the room, taking a deep breath in and out. Feel the support beneath you, the ground under your feet, and the sense of peace and self-compassion that this practice has cultivated. Slowly step away from the mirror, carrying with you a deeper sense of connection and love for yourself.