Heart-Centering Breath
Materials Needed:
To Support Feeling:

How to Do It
Sit comfortably with one hand on your heart. As you inhale, imagine breathing in love, compassion, and warmth directly into your heart space. Exhale slowly, imagining these feelings spreading throughout your body.
Why It Works
This focused breathing exercise helps to cultivate a sense of self-compassion and emotional fullness, addressing the emotional void that can accompany feelings of emptiness.
Guided Practice
Find a comfortable position, either seated or standing, and take a few moments to breathe deeply. As you settle, bring your awareness to your body, noticing any areas that feel tense or relaxed. Let your breath be an anchor, steadying you as you prepare for this practice.
Allow yourself to be still, feeling your breath soften your body and quiet your mind. Place one hand over your heart, feeling the rise and fall of your chest with each breath. Focus your attention on your heart space, noticing any sensations — a warmth, a gentle pulsing, or the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. Allow your breath to deepen, feeling the expansion in your chest with each inhale and the gentle release with each exhale. As you continue to breathe, imagine each inhale drawing in light and warmth into your heart space. Visualize this light expanding with each breath, filling your chest and radiating outwards. Notice any emotions that arise as you breathe into your heart center — perhaps a sense of calm, a feeling of openness, or a gentle softening. Stay with these sensations, allowing them to deepen your connection to your own heart. Visualize your breath as a healing force, moving in and out of your heart, clearing away any tension or heaviness. See if any images, memories, or symbols arise that represent the emotions you are feeling — perhaps a blooming flower, a glowing sun, or a calm ocean. Allow these images to guide your breath, letting them enhance your sense of peace and connection. When you feel ready, gently release your focus on the heart space, and take a few deep breaths, noticing the energy radiating from your chest. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more centered, more open, or simply more at peace. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of heart-centered awareness with you into your day, feeling more connected to your inner self.