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Hand Massages

Materials Needed



How to Do It

Gently massage each of your hands, focusing on the fingers, palms, and wrists. This can help release tension and promote relaxation.

Why It Works

This practice releases tension in the hands and promotes relaxation.

Guided Practice

Before beginning, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes softly if that feels right and take a few deep breaths. Imagine your body sinking into the support beneath you, releasing any tension as you prepare for a gentle movement or stillness.

Stay softly seated, noticing each breath deepen your focus and invite relaxation into your body and stillness into your mind. Place your left hand on your lap and use your right hand to gently massage your left palm, applying gentle pressure with your thumb in small circular motions. Notice the sensations under your fingers — perhaps a sense of warmth, a feeling of relief, or a slight tenderness in certain areas.

Continue to massage each finger on your left hand, moving from the base to the tip, feeling the tension releasing with each stroke. Focus on how your hand feels in response to the massage — perhaps noticing a tingling sensation, a softening of tension, or a subtle relaxation spreading up your arm. Stay with these sensations, letting the rhythm of the massage guide your awareness. Allow your hand to relax and soften, feeling a sense of nurturing and care.

Switch to your right hand, repeating the same gentle massage techniques. Pay attention to any differences between the two hands — perhaps one feels more tense, more sensitive, or more relaxed than the other. Notice what emotions or thoughts arise as you continue the massage — perhaps a feeling of gratitude for your hands, a recognition of their hard work, or a sense of discomfort or fatigue. Allow these thoughts and feelings to be present, without trying to change them.

When you feel ready, gently bring your hands to rest in your lap, taking a few deep breaths and noticing how your hands feel now. Observe any changes in sensation or tension — perhaps a greater sense of relaxation, a tingling warmth, or simply a heightened awareness of your hands. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of self-care and relaxation with you into your day, feeling more connected to the simple act of nurturing your body.

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