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Garden Digging

Materials Needed:

To Support Feeling:


How to Do It

Go to a garden or outdoor space and dig a hole in the ground. As you dig, imagine you are uncovering and unearthing your jealousy. Once the hole is deep enough, visualize placing your jealousy into the earth. Cover the hole with soil, symbolizing the burial of your jealousy. Optionally, plant a seed or flower over the spot to represent growth and renewal.

Why It Works

Digging into the earth provides a physical way to confront and 'bury' jealousy, turning the act of release into a ritual of renewal and transformation as something positive grows in its place.

Guided Practice

Hold a small gardening tool in your hand, and stand or kneel comfortably near a patch of soil. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling the tool’s weight and texture. Notice any sensations in your hands or fingers—maybe a desire to dig or move.

Notice the coolness of the soil, the texture as you grip the shovel, and the resistance of the ground as you begin to dig. Imagine that with each dig, you are releasing feelings of jealousy or envy. As you dig, feel the effort in your muscles, the weight of the soil as you lift it, and the sound of earth moving. Stay connected to the sensations in your body—perhaps a warmth building in your arms, or a cooling in your palms. Allow yourself to become aware of other areas in your life where these feelings also arise. Notice any images or memories that come to mind, patterns in your relationships, or beliefs about yourself. With each shovel of dirt, allow any meanings or insights to emerge. Feel the contrast between the effort to dig and the ease of resting between movements—one might feel grounding, the other uplifting. Notice the difference between them. When you feel ready, stop digging and stand still for a moment. Feel the earth beneath your feet, the openness of the space you’ve created. Notice any remaining sensations in your body—perhaps a sense of grounding or lingering heaviness. Allow yourself to rest in this moment, feeling connected to the earth and your inner self. When you’re ready, gently bring your awareness back to the room, possibly feeling grounded and refreshed.

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