Fury Drumming
Materials Needed
Drum or Percussion Instrument
How to Do It
Use a drum, a table, or any surface that can produce a deep, resonant sound. With your hands or drumsticks, begin pounding the surface in a rhythm that matches your fury. Start slow, then increase the intensity and speed as you let the anger flow through your hands into the drumming. Allow yourself to get lost in the rhythm and the release.
Why It Works
Drumming is a primal, rhythmic way to release anger. The physical exertion combined with the loud, repetitive sound helps to channel fury into a focused activity, leaving you feeling both empowered and drained of excess emotion.
Guided Practice
Sit comfortably with a drum or any percussion instrument in front of you. Take a moment to feel the weight of your hands on your thighs or on the drum. Notice if there's a tingling or an urge to move your hands. Allow yourself to be with this feeling, feeling the surface of the drum with your fingers, without starting to play yet.
Continue sitting comfortably, as you now deepen your focus with a few more breaths. Allow yourself to feel any anger, frustration, or pent-up energy that might be present imagine channeling this energy into the drum, using it as a safe space to express and release these emotions.
Begin to drum, starting with a slow, steady beat. Feel the vibrations of the drum under your hands, noticing how each strike sends a wave of energy through your body. Gradually increase the intensity and speed, allowing yourself to express any feelings of fury or frustration through the rhythm. Notice how this physical act of drumming feels—perhaps there is a sense of release, power, or even a surprising calm.
As you continue drumming, explore the patterns that emerge. Perhaps there is a steady rhythm that represents control, or maybe a chaotic beat that expresses release. Allow yourself to play with these patterns, noticing any insights or realizations that arise about your own emotions or reactions. You might discover familiar feelings or memories, or perhaps a new understanding of how to handle intense emotions.
When you feel ready, gradually slow down the drumming, letting the beats become softer and more spaced out. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of exhaustion, peace, or perhaps a deeper connection to your emotions. Allow yourself to stay in this space for a few more breaths, enjoying the aftereffects of this expressive release. When you are ready, gently set the drum aside, opening your eyes and carrying this sense of emotional release and insight with you into your day.