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Empowerment Walk

Materials Needed:

To Support Feeling:


How to Do It

Go for a walk in a place where you feel safe. As you walk, consciously adopt a posture of confidence—stand tall, shoulders back, and head held high. With each step, imagine yourself walking away from the feelings of victimization and toward empowerment and self-assurance. You might also repeat an empowering mantra in your mind as you walk.

Why It Works

Physical movement combined with a confident posture can help shift your mental and emotional state. Walking with intention can reinforce feelings of empowerment and help you leave behind the negative emotions associated with victimization.

Guided Practice

Stand comfortably with your feet hip-width apart, feeling the ground beneath you taking a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to settle into the present moment. Start walking slowly and mindfully, paying attention to each step you take. Feel the sensation of your feet connecting with the ground, noticing the texture, the firmness, and the subtle shifts in balance.

As you walk, imagine each step as a declaration of your strength and empowerment. With each step, feel yourself becoming more grounded, more confident, and more powerful. Notice how your posture changes — perhaps your shoulders pull back, your chest lifts, or your head feels higher. Stay with these sensations, feeling the empowerment building with each step. Notice any thoughts or emotions that arise as you walk — perhaps a sense of pride, a feeling of determination, or even a release of fear. Allow these experiences to unfold naturally, without needing to control them. Visualize yourself walking towards a goal or intention, something that symbolizes your personal power. Feel the energy of each step bringing you closer to this goal, strengthening your resolve and focus. Notice how your body responds to this visualization — perhaps a quickening of your pace, a sense of lightness in your steps, or a deepening of your breath. Let this walk become a moving meditation, connecting you with your inner strength and purpose. When you feel ready, slowly come to a stop, taking a few deep breaths to settle into stillness. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more energized, more confident, or simply more present. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of empowerment and purpose with you into your day, feeling more aligned with your own strength and intentions.

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