Empowerment Chant
Materials Needed
How to Do It
Choose a word or phrase that makes you feel strong and empowered, such as 'I am powerful,' 'I am resilient,' or 'I stand strong.' Repeat this phrase out loud in a rhythmic chant, gradually increasing the volume and intensity. Allow the chant to resonate in your body, feeling the vibrations of your voice as a source of inner strength.
Why It Works
Chanting can help you reclaim your voice and assert your power, breaking the silence and passivity that often accompany feelings of victimization. The repetitive, rhythmic nature of the chant reinforces your sense of empowerment.
Guided Practice
Sit comfortably with your back straight and feet grounded. Close your eyes and begin to notice the rhythm of your breath. Feel the vibration in your chest as you breathe deeply, tuning into the energy within your body. Allow yourself to feel the strength and power in your breath, sensing the potential for expression and release.
Continue sitting comfortably, as you now deepen your focus with a few more breaths. Begin to think of a word or short phrase that represents empowerment for you—something that makes you feel strong, confident, or capable. It could be a word like “strength,” “resilience,” or “i am enough.”
start chanting this word or phrase softly under your breath, repeating it with each exhale. Feel the vibrations of your voice as you chant, noticing how the sound resonates in your chest, throat, and head. Allow the chant to become a rhythm, a steady beat that aligns with your breath. Perhaps you feel a sense of power building within you, or maybe a gentle calming of the mind.
As you continue chanting, imagine this word or phrase filling your entire being, like a warm, golden light spreading through your body. Notice any images, memories, or beliefs that surface as you chant—perhaps familiar patterns of doubt or fear, or new insights about your own strength. Allow yourself to explore these fully, staying present with the sound and vibration of your chant.
When you feel ready, slowly let the chant fade into silence, bringing your awareness back to your breath. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of calm, empowerment, or perhaps a deeper connection to your own strength. Allow yourself to stay with this feeling for a few more moments, enjoying the resonance of your own voice. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of empowerment with you into your day.