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Color Exploration

Materials Needed



How to Do It

Gather several colored objects or pieces of fabric. Sit quietly and hold one color at a time, focusing on how it makes you feel. Imagine each color as a different emotion or energy—red as passion, blue as calm, yellow as joy, etc. Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with each color, noticing any shifts in your mood or energy levels.

Why It Works

Colors can have a significant impact on our emotions and energy levels. This exercise uses color as a tool to reawaken your senses and emotions, helping to break through the dullness of apathy.

Guided Practice

Gently bring your attention to the colors around you. Let your gaze softly rest on each hue, noticing if any emotions or sensations arise within you. You might feel drawn to a particular color; allow yourself to explore this attraction with curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, feeling your lungs expand, and slowly exhale, releasing any tension. Allow your mind to focus on a single color — perhaps a bright, vivid blue or a warm, earthy brown. Notice the qualities of this color — its brightness or dullness, its warmth or coolness. Feel the sensation of this color as if it were a fabric you could touch, sensing its texture — maybe it feels smooth like silk or rough like burlap.

Allow an image to form that embodies this color. Perhaps it’s the deep green of a forest canopy or the soft pink of a sunrise. Notice the details within this image — the subtle variations in shade, the way light interacts with the color, creating shadows and highlights. Feel the emotions this color evokes within you — maybe there’s a sense of calm, joy, or nostalgia, or perhaps a feeling of energy or warmth. Notice where these emotions settle in your body — maybe in your heart, your stomach, or your hands. Let these sensations be present without needing to change them.

As you continue to focus on the color, become aware of any behaviors or impulses that arise. Maybe you feel drawn to move your body in a way that expresses the feeling of this color — a gentle sway or a small gesture with your hands. Notice how these movements reflect your inner state, expressing a deeper connection to the color and its qualities. Feel the energy shifting within you, as if the color is moving through your body, creating new sensations and emotions.

Sense any deeper meanings or insights that this color exploration brings forward. Perhaps there is a realization about how color influences your emotions, a memory that has surfaced, or a new understanding of your connection to certain hues. Notice if there is a quiet awareness that comes to light, a sense of understanding that wasn’t there before. When you feel ready, take a few deep breaths, gently bringing your awareness back to the present moment. Open your eyes slowly, feeling enriched by this exploration and ready to carry this newfound awareness into your day.

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