Color Breathing
Materials Needed
How to Do It
Close your eyes and imagine breathing in a calming color, like blue or green. Visualize this color filling your body as you inhale. As you exhale, imagine breathing out a dark or chaotic color, representing fear or anxiety. Repeat this cycle, focusing on the calming color filling your entire body.
Why It Works
Visualization combined with deep breathing can help shift your mental and emotional state, using color as a symbolic tool to replace fear with calmness and safety.
Guided Practice
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, noticing areas of tightness or tension in your body.
Imagine breathing in a color that represents calmness or positivity to you. Visualize this color filling your lungs and spreading throughout your body with each inhale. Notice any sensations this color might bring—perhaps a warmth, a cooling effect, or something entirely different.
As you exhale, imagine releasing any tension or negativity, visualizing it as a different color leaving your body. Perhaps you see a darker shade leaving with your breath, or maybe the color is bright and light, representing a release. Allow yourself to be fully present with this exchange of colors, noticing how each breath changes the way you feel. You might notice a shift in your energy, or perhaps you feel the same as before—simply observe without judgment.
Continue to breathe in your chosen color, feeling it fill you with each inhale, and exhaling any color that represents something you'd like to let go of. Notice if the colors change over time, becoming lighter, darker, or shifting hues altogether. Stay with this visualization, exploring what each color might symbolize for you and how it affects your awareness. Consider how this practice might relate to how you handle stress or joy in your daily life, noticing any insights or realizations that arise.
When you feel ready, allow the visualization to fade and bring your attention back to your natural breath. Notice how your body feels now—whether there is a sense of balance, neutrality, or perhaps something else. Take a few more breaths, simply being with whatever is present. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying any insights or feelings with you into your day.