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Craft your soul-centered life.

Imbue your life with vibrancy & meaning! Come experience individual & group coaching that awakens your own inner wisdom & creates lasting transformation. Learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, heart, energy, & imagination. Step outside the traditional boundaries of what is expected of you & come explore creative ways to align your daily life with what matters to you most.

Summer Fun
Image by Krystal Ng

And maybe you feel unsure of where you’re heading or how to show up differently. Can you feel the flutter of possibilities, a pulsing inside you for renewal? Do you find yourself wondering how to become more involved, connected, and present?


Inspiration, creativity, and intuitive knowledge are seeded within you. However - stress, fear, and doubt can flood us to stay small and default into reactionary patterns, habits, and beliefs. These automatic tendencies keep us from growing, thriving, and experiencing the world in a new way.


At Solana Soul Center, we engage in practices that connect us with our somatic, imaginative, sensory, emotional, & ecological intelligences to access what we deeply care about. This creates new ways to notice triggers, habitual patterns, reactions, & stories. With awareness & practice, you can transform these habitual reactions into creative responses that align with your values and highest vision of yourself.

What habits are you practicing right now?

…and are they aligned with your intentions?

Do you sense that you're being called to grow...

Our Approach

 Offerings are grounded in Trauma-Informed Somatics, Psychology, Conscious Leadership, & Wisdom Traditions

Group Dance

Somatically Sensing

Somatics is the art of attuning to our bodies, listening, and letting our bodily wisdom guide us. Bring back the capacities to feel and sense. Work with postures, mannerisms, & conditioned tendencies to change how you show up in the world.


Crystal Ball_edited.jpg

Expanding Beliefs

Tune into your many intelligences and expand your perspectives. Learn new ideas from quantum physics, neuroscience, living systems, & transformative leadership.

All while practicing deep

self-care, trust, connection & mindfulness.

Image by Greg Rakozy

Creatively Expressing

Following ancient ways, we look to nature as our muse, inspiring connection to deep knowing both inside & out. Engage in creative explorations of song, ritual, movement, nature, guided imagery, art, meditation, stories, play & reflection.


Degrees & Papers


  • Meridian University (In-Progress)

    • PhD, Counseling Psychology


  • California Institute of Integral Studies

    • MA, East-West Psychology

  • Focus: Creating Conscious Embodied Leadership programs that benefit the triple bottom line - people, planet, & profit through  evolutionary, humanistic, mythopoetic, & ecopsychological lenses.

  • Presented & published at International Leadership Association (ILA), Women and Leadership Conference, 2018
    **Workshop: Beyond Meditation - The Iron Pentacle: A Journeying Tool to Access the Inner
    Wisdom of Leaders
    **Roundtable: Integral Practices for Women in Leadership: Aligning Values With Practice


  • Hakomi Institute of California: 2.5 years of somatic mindfulness practitioner training


  • Software Tech Leader: 15 years


  • University of California, San Diego

    • M.S. Computer Science & Engineering, Magna Cum Laude

  • Published in ACM and IBM Eclipse Technology Exchange OOPSLA

Meet Alexis

Founder of Solana Soul Center
Somatic Coach, Embodied Leadership Facilitator

I am a woman in the world led by spirit & inner guidance. My heart is stirred by sacred song, self-care, mothering, the natural world, community, & body-based wisdom. I am passionate to help people connect with their own inner wisdom, work holistically with their shadows, & step into their full potential ~ showing up as soulful beings in action, contributing to our evolutionary shift in consciousness. My unique background as a somatic coach, mother, tech leader, and a person with invisible disabilities allows me to weave my work across settings - from corporate leadership to intimate healing - affecting change where it is longed for and most needed. I am deeply authentic, present, & always in my own process of transformation and growth.


I am open, supportive, kind, and I like to laugh, listen, & share. I am truly present to meet you where you are at. I see you as your own wise sage. I am not here to fix you; I am here to be with you, honor you, & support you in opening your creativity, developing your resilience, discovering your multidimensional wisdom, and living into new ways of being. I include many embodied practices, such as art, nature, song, movement, guided imagery, play & mindfulness, as these are medicines for our soul.


I am committed to cultivating personal, community, and ecological transformation. My intention with Solana Soul Center is to create spaces where we can come together with our whole-selves, learn together, practice together, and engender new possibilities together. The workshops weave scientific knowledge, embodied practices, group psychology, conscious leadership and eco-oriented wisdom traditions to create new pathways for thriving as we all navigate this complex time of being human.


  • M.A. East-West-Indigenous Psychology

  • Conscious Embodied Leadership

  • Hakomi-Trained

  • Trauma-Informed Somatics

  • Eco-Psychology

  • Leading Ritual

  • Grounded in Earth-based Wisdom Traditions

  • Movement Meditation

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher

  • Guided Imagery

  • Expressive Arts

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Generative Conflict Resolution

  • Participatory Decision Making

  • Non-Violent Communication & Dialogue

Trainings & Certifications

If you sense we might resonate, get in touch & let's find a way to work together.

Ways to Work Together

We provide the space & potent nutrients
for you to align with your highest intentions.

Individual Somatic Coaching

Somatic coaching offers a unique pathway to growth and change, emphasizing the wisdom of the body as a guide to understanding ourselves and our interactions with the world.


All sessions are tailored to meet you right where you are, in this moment.

Image by Ashley Batz

Community Group Classes

Life is Better when Shared, including Transformation.

Community invites us to practice our commitments, stand in our truths, develop a sense of belonging, & create shared visions.

There's a seat in our circle waiting for you.

Image by Levi Guzman

Soul Centered Living

Our popular 8 week experiential journey of transformation. Join us for a journey of inner connection, support, guidance, community, & wholeness - a great place to start.

Seasonal Soul Circles

Summer is a time for exploring, gathering ideas, recreating, & redefining. Join us to connect with the wisdom of Summer through movement, guided imagery, poetry, art, music, reflection, & ritual.


Wisdom Walking

Incorporate transformation & growth into your walking routine. Experience walking with intention & community. All levels welcome.

Conscious Leadership

Create organizations that benefit the triple bottom line.



Our Leadership Approach >


Beautiful large flock of starlings. During January and February, hundreds of thousands of

Embodied Wisdom Leadership Circles

These circles are an invitation to practice leading with a profound sense of curiosity and compassion. Learn how to create spaces where people can come together to discover new possibilities & foster resilience. We will honor our interconnectedness as we lead with a spirit of exploration and a heart committed to the well-being of our communities.

Image by Hannah Busing

Tailored Leadership Experiences

Our approach to cultivating conscious embodied leaders engages internal intelligences, develops awareness, & creates commitment to action through participatory & embodied practices.

Custom Ritual Celebrations

Honor new life, celebrate birthdays with intention, & mark rites of passage.

Let's create experiences that nourish & tend to your special moments.

Image by Daiga Ellaby

Get In Touch

Looking forward to connecting!

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