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Light a candle in a dimly lit room and place it near a wall to create shadows.
Visualize your breath as a paintbrush that you can use to 'paint' the space around you.
Go on a walk with the specific intention of touching objects that catch your eye—leaves, tree bark, stones, etc.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Sit in a quiet space and close your eyes.
Take a long piece of string, yarn, or ribbon and imagine it represents a bridge between your internal world and the external world.
Sit quietly and place your hands over your heart.
Choose a few essential oils or aromatic items (like coffee beans, flowers, or spices) that you find appealing.
Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Using your hands, gently massage areas of tension, such as your neck, shoulders, or temples.
Sit in a comfortable position and take a slow, deep breath in, then exhale fully.
Starting from your toes, slowly scan your body upward, paying attention to areas of tension.